13 Jul beeB project organises a training session for the valorisation of beekeeping using the cross-visit method
On 6, 7 and 8 July, the beeB project organised the session “Training for the valorisation of beekeeping using the cross-visit method”. The day was held online through the Zoom platform, and brought together project partners from different countries, such as Bio-Distretto Cilento, Politecnico de Viseu, Eesti Maaülikool, Norges Birøkterlag, EOSA and Tera Tehnopolis.
Emilio Buonomo, the president of Bio-Distretto Cilento, opened the event and welcomed all participants. The first day was also attended by Jorge Oliveira, Michela Filpi, Salvatore Basile, Giuseppe Cilento and Giorgio Barchiesi. Participants were also able to visit the Apicoltura Volpe and Michele Giordano beekeeping farms.
The second day covered topics such as the needs of farmers and how training resources can help them. Case studies and a visit to the Cavalieri beekeeping farm were also discussed. Salvatore Basile, Michele Giordano and Anna Nigro were the speakers.
On the last day, Alba Garcia presented the beeB Hub, a Moodle learning platform for beekeepers. Sónia Mesquita presented an infographic study of beekeeping activity in Europe, and Salvatore Basile spoke about the importance of e-learning. The event ended with a visit to the Apicoltura S. Maria beekeeping farm.
You can consult the full programme here.