02 Sep The staff training event fostered by beeB Project kicks off
On August 30 the Staff Training Event: Bee Diseases and Good Practices of Control, organized by beeb Project, started in Estonia, in the Eesti Maaülikool/Estonian University of Life Sciences. During this week the use of gamification to assess and manage the beehive will be discussed.
The second day, the participants learned from professionals such as Reet Karise, Risto Raimets and Sigmar Naudi about bee diseases and colony management in different climates. They also drove to Rohu Experimental Field Station and did a visual inspection for healthy colony conditions with Varroa and Nosema samples.
On the third day, the registered drove to SUMILA apiary, met with Peipsi-Alutaguse Chamber Local Action Group, and brainstormed on challenges to increase beekeepers’ knowledge by developing gamification.
Finally, on Thursday 2 September, the members visited a honey house at Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics, and went on a tour of Pöltsamaa castle and Laeva bog.