Welcome to the Beekeeping Bridges introductory beekeeping course package!

Beekeeping is a rewarding and environmentally sustainable way to produce income for you and your family. Over 30% of our food crops require pollination by insects like bees, and with such a wide variety of honeys and other products, beekeeping can easily be a small side-business or a full-time profession.

With the information provided here, we hope to help you establish a firm knowledge base that will pave the way for you to become a professional beekeeper.

In this these course packages you will learn:


  1. To apply basic knowledge of bees and beekeeping to practical work in the field.
  2. To recognize and use all parts of beehives, tools, and materials
  3. To administer appropriate care to colonies at the appropriate times of year and keep functional records of all colonies.
  4. To recognize common colony problems and administer solutions.
  5. To collect several different marketable products from the colonies.
  6. To sustain and grow a beekeeping operation via colony and queen propagation.
  7. Practical applications of organic and sustainable beekeeping methodology.
  8. International regulations and licences for the keeping and moving of bees, and the sale of honeybee products.
  9. To create a business plan for their operation.
  10. To apply basic marketing strategy to design their own businesses centered around bees and bee products.

The material will be delivered in 6 small courses, each with video lectures and a series of interactive tests and assignments. These packages are designed to be a primer for the practical training that will be provided in your local areas. Each package will cover an important aspect of beekeeping and you can choose which packages are most suited to your needs. All courses will be openly accessible, and assessments can be taken at the end of each section. The expected time commitment for all the course packages collectively is 3-4 hours per week and the material can be accessed at any time, making it easy for you to plan your learning experience around your daily life.