27 okt Organic beekeeping in the Eco-Regions
On February 6, 2020 the Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of the World Alliance for Organic Districts (GAOD) was signed at the Ministry of Agriculture in Rome. The main objectives of the Protocol are to share knowledge and best practices and to invite other local governments around the World to join the Alliance. One of the good practices presented was that of organic beekeeping. The president of the Cilento Bio-district Emilio Buonomo and the general secretary Salvatore Basile introduced the beeB project to the participants and the important objectives it aims to achieve.
The Alliance is now composed of the following Organizations: IN.N.E.R., ALGOA, Regeneration International, the League of Municipalities and Organic Provinces of the Philippines; with the support of IFOAM Organics International, IFOAM EU, IFOAM Asia, the Baltica Foundation and the Organic Food Systems Program.
The next important meeting of the Alliance will be the World Summit, coordinated by ALGOA, which will take place online from 12 to 16 October 2020, waiting to meet “in the real life” in September 2021 in Rennes, on the occasion of the World Organic Congress and then in 2022 in Goesan for the International Organic Expo.
Agenda of the Summit on the gaod web site: www.gaod.online.
SUBSCRIBE NOW TO THE SUMMIT, FILLING IN THE FORM THAT YOU WILL FIND AT THIS LINK: https://asia.ifoam.bio/the-6th-algoa-summit-registration-form/